Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Part-time Gig

Two possible part-time gigs fell into my lap today.

A friend at the school I used to work for asked me if I wanted to come back and help them with the after-school program. I thought she was joking, but she was serious. She told me to think about it. She doesn't have the final say, but her boss does and it's just the 2 of them in that office, so I think she has some insight into the situation.

Last year I worked the program for 3 months when I was at that school and I hated it. BUT, it was a new program to our school and our administrator was very disorganized. We didn't have any supplies and the kids' behavior was terrible. I was so stressed out, but the money was good. The only reason I quit was because my dad and my sister both got sick at the same time and I had to take care of them and go to doctor's appointments with them.

My friend hated it as much as I did last year. We all did. She said the kids are better this year and they have a lot more supplies and activities for the kids. She said things are a lot better and they are way more organized.

It would be 2 hours a day. I could choose how many days I want to work. I'm not sure of the schedule, but it would either be 3p-5p or 4p-6p. It would mean an extra $500 a month for the next couple of months until school gets out. It wouldn't cost me any extra gas since my kids go to that school and I pick them up everyday. My kids could get into the program right now instead of being on the waiting list.


My brother wants to start doing some real estate thing and he wants my help. He wants me to research properties for him. He's going to bring me his information tomorrow and let me look it over. I think it's something I can do on the weekend.

I'm going to pray about it tonight and I am going to make a decision tomorrow. I think I'll probably end up trying to do both.


hBs said...

I have found that when it rains it pours. Congrats on having 2 options. As I was finishing your second option I knew what I was going to tell you, but you beat me to it at the end. I would try to do both if it would work out for you. The after school job sounds perfect since your kids could enroll. Worse case scenario, if it is horrible just stick it out til the end of the year or resign. The real estate gig sounds like it could be good too. Might be a nice change fromt he school environment. Good luck on your decision!

Karazay said...

Thanks Heather. I called my friend today and left her a message. I'd like to start in April. I've got my fingers crossed.